Twitter (X) Ads


Twitter (X) Advertising provides an opportunity to engage with your audience directly on a public platform, all while maintaining affordability. It’s most impactful when you have specific goals in mind, such as initiating brand conversations, growing followers, boosting awareness, increasing video views, or driving traffic to your website.

Additionally, Twitter (X) Advertising is effective for marketing and remarketing by leveraging trending topics. If you haven’t set up a Twitter ad account yet, we’d be delighted to help you create one!

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Twitter (X) Advertising provides an opportunity to engage with your audience directly on a public platform, all while maintaining affordability. It’s most impactful when you have specific goals in mind, such as initiating brand conversations, growing followers, boosting awareness, increasing video views, or driving traffic to your website.

Additionally, Twitter (X) Advertising is effective for marketing and remarketing by leveraging trending topics. If you haven’t set up a Twitter ad account yet, we’d be delighted to help you create one!

Twitter (X) Advertising provides an opportunity to engage with your audience directly on a public platform, all while maintaining affordability. It’s most impactful when you have specific goals in mind, such as initiating brand conversations, growing followers, boosting awareness, increasing video views, or driving traffic to your website.

Additionally, Twitter (X) Advertising is effective for marketing and remarketing by leveraging trending topics. If you haven’t set up a Twitter ad account yet, we’d be delighted to help you create one!

Twitter (X) Advertising Can Help You Increase:

  • Reach

  • Video Views

  • App Installs

  • Website Traffic

  • Followers

  • App Re-engagements

Our Process During the First Month:

  1. We’ll schedule a meeting with you to finalize the brief.

  2. You’ll need to grant our team access to your Twitter (X) Business Center.

  3. We’ll configure the Pixel and apply it to your website (if applicable) for conversion tracking.

  4. We’ll set up campaigns and Ad Sets.

  5. We’ll create Tweets and share them with you for review and approval.

  6. Once approved, we’ll schedule the Tweets to go live.

  7. Regular internal reviews will be conducted, and adjustments made as needed each month.

  8. During the first month, you’ll receive weekly reports.

During a Regular Month:

  1. We’ll create new campaigns.

  2. We’ll generate Tweets and share them with you for review and approval.

  3. At the end of each month, we will send you a comprehensive report.

What’s Next After Twitter (X) Advertising?

Depending on your goals, we can help you develop a targeted, comprehensive marketing strategy that will complement Twitter (X) Advertising.

Our Operations Team

  • ISO Certified: We adhere to standardised processes.

  • A Registered Google Partner: We’re recognised as an authority in the marketing industry.

  • Microsoft Accredited: Each member holds relevant certifications from Microsoft, covering services such as Microsoft Ads and Social Networks.

  • A Digital Marketing Partner: This demonstrates our proficiency in various digital marketing areas, including search engine optimisation, social media advertising, and email marketing.