Email Marketing

from $149.99

This product is either a once off email marketing solution or a recurring monthly email marketing solution that covers the entire process of briefing, creating, sending and reporting on an email marketing campaign.

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This product is either a once off email marketing solution or a recurring monthly email marketing solution that covers the entire process of briefing, creating, sending and reporting on an email marketing campaign.

This product is either a once off email marketing solution or a recurring monthly email marketing solution that covers the entire process of briefing, creating, sending and reporting on an email marketing campaign.

The Purpose of Our Email Marketing Product  

The campaigns we create serve to help you regularly engage with their audience, remain top-of-mind, and nurture your customers so that when they are ready to purchase, they choose you. 

Our Email Marketing Process  


  • A briefing document will be sent to you to fill.

  • If necessary, a meeting will also be held between your team and our team.  


  • Once we have the brief, our team will create the email copy according to the requirements.  

  • This content will then be sub-edited and sent to you for review and approval. 


  • Your team will then send us any feedback so that adjustments to the content can be made.


  • Our email marketing packages include email design, which our team will implement once the email copy is approved.  


  • Once your team approves the final email or batch of emails, we will then action the campaign, if this is agreed upon.  


  • Finally, we will send you a report detailing the campaign’s results, if this has been agreed upon. 

Campaigns and Packages  

Reignite Campaigns 

  • Seeing as it costs less for you to nurture and upsell to existing clients than it does to acquire new ones, this campaign aims to keep you top-of-mind amongst your existing clients.  

  • Two emails will be sent to their list per month.  

  • Included in this package is the set-up of, management of, and reporting on the campaign.  

Essential Package  

  • This package is ideal for nurturing your existing database.  

  • Four emails will be sent to your list per month.  

  • Included in this package is the set-up of, management of, and reporting on the campaign.  

Advanced Package  

  • This package is ideal for A/B testing what your audience responds to.  

  • Six emails will be sent to your list per month.  

  • Included in this package is the set-up of, management of, and reporting on the campaign  

Executive Package  

  • This package is ideal for converting your leads into sales. 

  • Eight emails will be sent to your list per month.  

  • Included in this package is the set-up of, management of, and reporting on the campaign.

Custom Packages  

We can also set up and report on campaigns unique to your requirements. These campaigns are priced per email. 

Email Marketing Is Working When:  

  • We are successfully creating and communicating your requested message, and your audience is being nurtured and gaining value from the emails. 

  • Your goals are being met, whether they are increasing sign-ups, sales, or bookings.  

  • The email recipients are taking action. These actions could be in the form of requesting more information or making a purchase.  

  • Quantitatively, our campaigns are working when the following metrics are increasing according to the industry standard:  

    • Open rates  

    • Click-through rates 

    • Unsubscribe rates  

    • Replies  

    • Bounce rates 

Our Operations Team

  • ISO Certified: We adhere to standardised processes.

  • A Registered Google Partner: We’re recognised as an authority in the marketing industry.

  • Microsoft Accredited: Each member holds relevant certifications from Microsoft, covering services such as Microsoft Ads and Social Networks.

  • A Digital Marketing Partner: This demonstrates our proficiency in various digital marketing areas, including search engine optimisation, social media advertising, and email marketing.

Targeted Campaigns That Convert

Our email marketing service crafts personalized campaigns that resonate with your audience. From compelling subject lines to strategic CTAs, we optimize every element to drive conversions.





Data-Driven Insights

We don’t just send emails; we analyze results. Our service provides actionable insights—open rates, click-throughs, and more—to refine your strategy and maximize impact.

Build Lasting Relationships

Email is personal. Our service helps you build trust by delivering relevant content consistently. Whether it’s newsletters, product updates, or exclusive offers, we keep your audience engaged.