Conversion Rate Optimisation

from $349.99

Every interaction on your website matters, and we’re here to help. Whether it’s a poorly designed landing page, a confusing checkout process, or a lack of compelling calls-to-action, our optimisation services can make a difference.

We’ll conduct a thorough site audit and provide actionable recommendations to implement. Let’s enhance your site’s performance together!

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Every interaction on your website matters, and we’re here to help. Whether it’s a poorly designed landing page, a confusing checkout process, or a lack of compelling calls-to-action, our optimisation services can make a difference.

We’ll conduct a thorough site audit and provide actionable recommendations to implement. Let’s enhance your site’s performance together!

Every interaction on your website matters, and we’re here to help. Whether it’s a poorly designed landing page, a confusing checkout process, or a lack of compelling calls-to-action, our optimisation services can make a difference.

We’ll conduct a thorough site audit and provide actionable recommendations to implement. Let’s enhance your site’s performance together!

The Goal of Our CRO Service  

Our Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) team will analyse website behaviour on your site and then make recommendations to improve the website’s ability to achieve its objectives, which may include but are not limited to:  

  • Converting traffic into leads 

  • Increasing sales  

  • Increasing sign-ups  

  • Increasing enquiries  

What to Expect of Our CRO Service Over Six Months 

  • During the first three months of this service, most of the heavy lifting is completed. The setup of the process, analysis, recommendations, implementation of recommendations (this is an additional cost), testing changes, final implementation, and reporting of results occur during this stage. 

  • During the final three months of the process, our team will continue to monitor the results of the implemented changes in an effort to better understand your audience’s traffic behaviour following the changes made. At the end of this analysis and reporting period, a final report detailing the improvements made will be delivered and a list of new potential improvements for the website.  

Pricing of Our CRO Service 

Pricing for this product is split across the two phases, from months one to three and then from months three to six. Phase one has a higher rate than phase two, given the focused, intensive work required.

The Purpose of Our CRO Service  

  • The purpose of our CRO services is to enhance your website’s ability to convert visitors into leads, and leads into sales or bookings. CRO is the perfect service to offer your business once you are already enjoying traffic to your website due to successful SEO, AdWords, and/or Social Media efforts.  

  • Website traffic is expensive. As such, our CRO campaigns ensure you capture more leads, enquiries, signups, and sales using your existing flow of traffic. 

The CRO Process  

Phase One: Setup  (Months One to Three)  

  • After a briefing session, our team will commence with setup.  

  • We will install, set up, and configure the tool Google Analytics.  

  • Our team will install, set up, and configure the tool Crazy Eggs.  

  • We will define benchmarks and goals.  

  • Our team will conduct deep website analysis, including studying your traffic and website and content elements.  

  • We will report on our findings, provide recommendations, and quote on suggested improvements that should be implemented on the website following the analysis period.  

Phase Two: Review (Months Four to Six)  

Following the first phase, we will continue to review the results of our CRO efforts over a minimum of three months, which includes:  

  • Monthly reporting  

  • Monthly analysis of web and traffic behavior  

  • Drawing up a final report after three months have elapsed, detailing statistics, comparisons between initial benchmarks and actual results, and further recommendations 

Implementation of Changes 

  • Once approved, we will implement the recommendations we have made.  

  • Potential website changes may need to be made, including designing a new website, making partial changes, or updating or editing content.  

Reporting and Analysis of Results  

Finally, after making website and content changes, we will report on the results of the campaign, including:

  • Before and after web design changes

  • Before and after bounce rates

  • Before and after conversion rates

  • Before and after heat map results from Crazy Eggs 

 CRO is Working When:  

  • Your website is seeing an increase in the rate of conversion, allowing you to achieve more of your defined goals using the same amount of web traffic.  

  • Your clear goals have been communicated to our team so that we can benchmark your goals against our CRO efforts using traffic measurement tools, such as Google Analytics.  

The Limitations Of CRO  

  • This service is only appropriate for websites that are already receiving good traffic. Newer websites or businesses that are not already receiving steady traffic will be better served to start with an SEO campaign.  

  • CRO aims to improve the conversion rate for a given amount of traffic. The number of successful conversions is also dependent on your pre-existing traffic volumes.  

  • Where a website conversion is a “lead” or “enquiry”, this service does not concern itself with leads being converted into sales. If you are not converting the leads the CRO campaign generates into more sales, some sales training may be needed. 

Our Operations Team

  • ISO Certified: We adhere to standardised processes.

  • A Registered Google Partner: We’re recognised as an authority in the marketing industry.

  • Microsoft Accredited: Each member holds relevant certifications from Microsoft, covering services such as Microsoft Ads and Social Networks.

  • A Digital Marketing Partner: This demonstrates our proficiency in various digital marketing areas, including search engine optimisation, social media advertising, and email marketing.



CRO is a 6-month process. The prices above are not separate prices. The first 3 months of CRO will be invoiced at the initial 3 month price, per month. Months 4 - 6 of the CRO service will be invoiced at the reporting 3 months price, per month. These prices ONLY cover the costs of setting up, analysing, making recommendations, building and sending reports and administering the CRO service.

Content and website programming changes are recommended as part of this service. Costs associated with these recommendations are NOT included in the cost of the service